Monday 10 September 2018

Empire Records


Mise en scene

Character expression and movement - The characters are all of a similar age which implies that they're friends and their expressions seem to show concern about something as they all look very serious. Despite being in a relaxed setting it doesn't appear like the characters are having fun with each other, instead it seems like they're discussing something important.

Hair and makeup - The girl with the shaved head is the character who stands out the most in terms of hair and makeup as it's a bold statement, especially compared to the other characters around her. The others have quite casual hair and makeup which matches the setting.

Setting - They appear to be in a relaxed setting with a lot of posters on the walls and they're sitting on a sofa which shows that it's a place for comfort. The walls are also painted bright colours and decorated which shows that whoever decorated the room is a creative person.

Costume - All of the characters are wearing very casual clothes like hoodies and t-shirts; they don't appear to have put a lot of effort into their outfits which indicates that they're all comfortable around each other. However, all of the outfits are still different to each other giving a sense of individuality to the characters and showing that they all probably have quite an important role to play within the film.

Lighting - In this scene, the lighting seems natural as there's not much contrast however the characters do seem slightly highlighted drawing attention to them. Although, none of the characters seem to be singled out in particular which makes the group as a whole seem important within the scene.

Props - In terms of props, the background is cluttered with various objects making the room seem well used. Held by one of the characters is some dollar bills which indicates that the characters need money for something and, paired with their serious expressions, it implies that they are in need of more money.

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